EMF Protection

What Is EMF

In electromagnetism and electronics, electromotive force (also electromotance, abbreviated as EMF

denoted or) is an energy transfer to an electric circuit per unit of electric charge, measured in volts. Devices called electrical transducers provide an EMF by converting other forms of energy into electrical energy.

In 1898, Nikola Tesla invented a small radio-controlled boat, Many people didn’t believe it was real and they said things like there was a monkey inside steering the boat. When this happened it shocked the world, Nikola Tesla Prove to the world that EMF waves are real.

Nikola Tesla invented the radio-controlled boat, and many other inventions, that we all take for granted, But with all our modern electronic devices it is undeniable that we are constantly exposed to EMF on a daily basis

Sources of EMF

Sources of ELF-EMFs include power lines, electrical wiring, and electrical appliances such as shavers, hair dryers, and electric blankets. Radio frequency radiation. Wi-Fi. Computers, cell Phones, 4G cell towers, 5G cell towers. and and Many More,  

Protection from EMF 

Protection tuün

All thires EMF Radiofrequency can be harmful to humans beings